This method counts tagged NA values (see tagged_na) in a vector and prints a frequency table of counted tagged NAs.

count_na(x, ...)



A vector or data frame.


Optional, unquoted names of variables that should be selected for further processing. Required, if x is a data frame (and no vector) and only selected variables from x should be processed. You may also use functions like : or tidyselect's select-helpers. See 'Examples' or package-vignette.


A data frame with counted tagged NA values.


if (require("haven")) {
  x <- labelled(
    x = c(1:3, tagged_na("a", "c", "z"),
          4:1, tagged_na("a", "a", "c"),
          1:3, tagged_na("z", "c", "c"),
          1:4, tagged_na("a", "c", "z")),
    labels = c("Agreement" = 1, "Disagreement" = 4,
               "First" = tagged_na("c"), "Refused" = tagged_na("a"),
               "Not home" = tagged_na("z"))

  y <- labelled(
    x = c(1:3, tagged_na("e", "d", "f"),
          4:1, tagged_na("f", "f", "d"),
          1:3, tagged_na("f", "d", "d"),
          1:4, tagged_na("f", "d", "f")),
    labels = c("Agreement" = 1, "Disagreement" = 4, "An E" = tagged_na("e"),
              "A D" = tagged_na("d"), "The eff" = tagged_na("f"))

  # create data frame
  dat <- data.frame(x, y)

  # possible count()-function calls
  count_na(dat, x)
  count_na(dat, x, y)
#> Loading required package: haven
#> Attaching package: ‘haven’
#> The following objects are masked from ‘package:sjlabelled’:
#>     as_factor, read_sas, read_spss, read_stata, write_sas, zap_labels
#>      label frq raw.prc valid.prc cum.prc
#> 1    First   5   41.67     41.67   41.67
#> 2 Not home   3   25.00     25.00   66.67
#> 3  Refused   4   33.33     33.33  100.00
#> # x
#>      label frq raw.prc valid.prc cum.prc
#> 1    First   5   41.67     41.67   41.67
#> 2 Not home   3   25.00     25.00   66.67
#> 3  Refused   4   33.33     33.33  100.00
#> # y
#>     label frq raw.prc valid.prc cum.prc
#> 1     A D   5   41.67     41.67   41.67
#> 2    An E   1    8.33      8.33   50.00
#> 3 The eff   6   50.00     50.00  100.00
#>      label frq raw.prc valid.prc cum.prc
#> 1    First   5   41.67     41.67   41.67
#> 2 Not home   3   25.00     25.00   66.67
#> 3  Refused   4   33.33     33.33  100.00
#> # x
#>      label frq raw.prc valid.prc cum.prc
#> 1    First   5   41.67     41.67   41.67
#> 2 Not home   3   25.00     25.00   66.67
#> 3  Refused   4   33.33     33.33  100.00
#> # x
#>      label frq raw.prc valid.prc cum.prc
#> 1    First   5   41.67     41.67   41.67
#> 2 Not home   3   25.00     25.00   66.67
#> 3  Refused   4   33.33     33.33  100.00
#> # y
#>     label frq raw.prc valid.prc cum.prc
#> 1     A D   5   41.67     41.67   41.67
#> 2    An E   1    8.33      8.33   50.00
#> 3 The eff   6   50.00     50.00  100.00