computes the root mean squared error from a model fitted
to kfold cross-validated test-training-data. cv_compare()
does the same, for multiple formulas at once (by calling cv_error()
for each formula).
cv_error(data, formula, k = 5)
cv_compare(data, formulas, k = 5)
A data frame with the root mean squared errors for the training and test data.
first generates cross-validated test-training pairs, using
and then fits a linear model, which
is described in formula
, to the training data. Then, predictions
for the test data are computed, based on the trained models.
The training error is the mean value of the rmse
all trained models; the test error is the rmse based on all
residuals from the test data.
cv_error(efc, neg_c_7 ~ barthtot + c161sex)
#> model train.error test.error
#> 1 neg_c_7 ~ barthtot + c161sex 3.4813 3.5537
cv_compare(efc, formulas = list(
neg_c_7 ~ barthtot + c161sex,
neg_c_7 ~ barthtot + c161sex + e42dep,
neg_c_7 ~ barthtot + c12hour
#> model train.error test.error
#> 1 neg_c_7 ~ barthtot + c161sex 3.4853 3.5787
#> 2 neg_c_7 ~ barthtot + c161sex + e42dep 3.4485 3.5648
#> 3 neg_c_7 ~ barthtot + c12hour 3.5657 3.1543