• Fix issues with changes in forthcoming upstream packages.

Deprecated and defunct

sjstats is being re-structured, and many functions are re-implemented in new packages that are part of a new project called easystats.

Therefore, following functions are now defunct:


  • Improved printing for weighted_mannwhitney().

  • weighted_chisqtest() can now be computed for given probabilities.

  • means_by_group() now contains numeric values in the returned data frame. Value formatting is completely done insight the print-method.

  • Updated imports.


  • Effect size computation functions (like eta_sq()) now internally call the related functions from the effectsize package.
  • Remove packages from “Suggest” that have been removed from CRAN.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed documentation for chisq_gof().
  • Fixed issue in anova_stats() with incorrect effect sizes for certain Anova types (that included an intercept).

Deprecated and defunct

sjstats is being re-structured, and many functions are re-implemented in new packages that are part of a new project called easystats.

Therefore, following functions are now deprecated:


  • Functions for weighted statistics with prefix wtd_*() have been renamed to weighted_*().
  • svy_md() was renamed to survey_median().
  • mannwhitney() is an alias for mwu().
  • means_by_group() is an alias for grpmean().

Deprecated and defunct

sjstats is being re-structured, and many functions are re-implemented in new packages that are part of a new project called easystats. The aim of easystats is to provide a unifying and consistent framework to tame, discipline and harness the scary R statistics and their pesky models.

Therefore, following functions are now deprecated:


  • Revise some functions to cope with the forthcoming insight update.


New functions

  • svyglm.zip() to fit zero-inflated Poisson models for survey-designs.

Changes to functions

  • phi() and cramer() can now compute confidence intervals.
  • tidy_stan() removes prior parameters from output.
  • tidy_stan() now also prints the probability of direction.

Bug fixes

  • Fix bug with wrong computation in odds_to_rr().

New functions

Deprecated and defunct

sjstats is being re-structured, and many functions are re-implemented in new packages that are part of a new project called easystats. The aim of easystats is to provide a unifying and consistent framework to tame, discipline and harness the scary R statistics and their pesky models.

Therefore, following functions are now deprecated:

Changes to functions

  • Anova-stats functions (like eta_sq()) get a method-argument to define the method for computing confidence intervals from bootstrapping.

Bug fixes

  • In some situations, smpsize_lmm() could result in negative sample-size recommendations. This was fixed, and a warning is now shown indicating that the parameters for the power-calculation should be modified.
  • Fixed issue with wrong calculated effect size r in mwu() if group-factor contained more than two groups.


  • Following models/objects are now supported by model-information functions like model_family(), link_inverse() or model_frame(): MixMod (package GLMMadaptive), MCMCglmm, mlogit and gmnl.
  • Reduce package dependencies.

New functions

  • cred_int(), to compute uncertainty intervals of Bayesian models. Mimics the behaviour and style of hdi() and is thus a convenient complement to functions like posterior_interval().

Changes to functions

  • equi_test() now finds better defaults for models with binomial outcome (like logistic regression models).
  • r2() for mixed models now also should work properly for mixed models fitted with rstanarm.
  • anova_stats() and alike (e.g. eta_sq()) now all preserve original term names.
  • model_family() now returns $is_count = TRUE, when model is a count-model, and $is_beta = TRUE for models with beta-family.
  • pred_vars() checks that return value has only unique values.
  • pred_vars() gets a zi-argument to return the variables from a model’s zero-inflation-formula.

Bug fixes

  • Fix minor issues in wtd_sd() and wtd_mean() when weight was NULL (which usually shoudln’t be the case anyway).
  • Fix potential issue with deparse(), cutting off very long formulas in various functions.
  • Fix encoding issues in help-files.


  • Export dplyr::n(), to meet forthcoming changes in dplyr 0.8.0.

Changes to functions

  • boot_ci() gets a ci.lvl-argument.
  • The rotation-argument in pca_rotate() now supports all rotations from psych::principal().
  • pred_vars() gets a fe.only-argument to return only fixed effects terms from mixed models, and a disp-argument to return the variables from a model’s dispersion-formula.
  • icc() for Bayesian models gets a adjusted-argument, to calculate adjusted and conditional ICC (however, only for Gaussian models).
  • For icc() for non-Gaussian Bayes-models, a message is printed that recommends setting argument ppd to TRUE.
  • resp_val() and resp_var() now also work for brms-models with additional response information (like trial() in formula).
  • resp_var() gets a combine-argument, to return either the name of the matrix-column or the original variable names for matrix-columns.
  • model_frame() now also returns the original variables for matrix-column-variables.
  • model_frame() now also returns the variable from the dispersion-formula of glmmTMB-models.
  • model_family() and link_inverse() now supports glmmPQL, felm and lm_robust-models.
  • anova_stats() and alike (omeqa_sq() etc.) now support gam-models from package gam.
  • p_value() now supports objects of class svyolr.

Bug fixes

  • Fix issue with se() and get_re_var() for objects returned by icc().
  • Fix issue with icc() for Stan-models.
  • var_names() did not clear terms with log-log transformation, e.g. log(log(y)).
  • Fix issue in model_frame() for models with splines with only one column.


  • Revised help-files for r2() and icc(), also by adding more references.

New functions

  • re_grp_var() to find group factors of random effects in mixed models.

Changes to functions

  • omega_sq() and eta_sq() give more informative messages when using non-supported objects.
  • r2() and icc() give more informative warnings and messages.
  • tidy_stan() supports printing simplex parameters of monotonic effects of brms models.
  • grpmean() and mwu() get a file and encoding argument, to save the HTML output as file.

Bug fixes

  • model_frame() now correctly names the offset-columns for terms provided as offset-argument (i.e. for models where the offset was not specified inside the formula).
  • Fixed issue with weights-argument in grpmean() when variable name was passed as character vector.
  • Fixed issue with r2() for glmmTMB models with ar1 random effects structure.

New functions

  • wtd_chisqtest() to compute a weighted Chi-squared test.
  • wtd_median() to compute the weighted median of variables.
  • wtd_cor() to compute weighted correlation coefficients of variables.

Changes to functions

  • mediation() can now cope with models from different families, e.g. if the moderator or outcome is binary, while the treatment-effect is continuous.
  • model_frame(), link_inverse(), pred_vars(), resp_var(), resp_val(), r2() and model_family() now support clm2-objects from package ordinal.
  • anova_stats() gives a more informative message for non-supported models or ANOVA-options.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed issue with model_family() and link_inverse() for models fitted with pscl::hurdle() or pscl::zeroinfl().
  • Fixed issue with wrong title in grpmean() for grouped data frames, when grouping variable was an unlabelled factor.
  • Fix issue with model_frame() for coxph-models with polynomial or spline-terms.
  • Fix issue with mediation() for logical variables.


  • Reduce package dependencies.

New functions

  • wtd_ttest() to compute a weighted t-test.
  • wtd_mwu() to compute a weighted Mann-Whitney-U or Kruskal-Wallis test.

Changes to functions

  • robust() was revised, getting more arguments to specify different types of covariance-matrix estimation, and handling these more flexible.
  • Improved print()-method for tidy_stan() for brmsfit-objects with categorical-families.
  • se() now also computes standard errors for relative frequencies (proportions) of a vector.
  • r2() now also computes r-squared values for glmmTMB-models from genpois-families.
  • r2() gives more precise warnings for non-supported model-families.
  • xtab_statistics() gets a weights-argument, to compute measures of association for contingency tables for weighted data.
  • The statistics-argument in xtab_statistics() gets a "fisher"-option, to force Fisher’s Exact Test to be used.
  • Improved variance calculation in icc() for generalized linear mixed models with Poisson or negative binomial families.
  • icc() gets an adjusted-argument, to calculate the adjusted and conditional ICC for mixed models.
  • To get consistent argument names across functions, argument weight.by is now deprecated and renamed into weights.

Bug fixes

  • Fix issues with effect size computation for repeated-measure Anova when using bootstrapping to compute confidence intervals.
  • grpmean() now also adjusts the n-columm for weighted data.
  • icc(), re_var() and get_re_var() now correctly compute the random-effect-variances for models with multiple random slopes per random effect term (e.g., (1 + rs1 + rs2 | grp)).
  • Fix issues in tidy_stan(), mcse(), hdi() and n_eff() for stan_polr()-models.
  • Plotting equi_test() did not work for intercept-only models.