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Printing Tables to the Console

This vignettes shows how to customize the tables that are printed to the console. Most of the options can be controlled via the format() method, which is documented in detail here.

Summary of most important points:

  • By default, results are printed as nicely formatted tables to the R console. If there's more than one focal term, a separate table is printed for each level or value of the second (or third) focal predictor.
  • It is possible to customize the table output to get more compact tables. For example, collapse_tables = TRUE will return a single table with new columns for the values of other focal terms (instead of displaying them as table captions).
  • print_html() and print_md() can be used to change the output format to HTML or markdown, respectively. This is useful inside Rmarkdown documents or to copy and paste HTML tables into a Word processor.
  • Preferred settings for printing tables can set as default via options() .

Simple Tables

First, we start with the default print method, which prints a simple table with the predicted values and confidence intervals. Printing is done automatically, so we don’t need to explicitly call print(). The example shown here uses the efc dataset from a study about the situation and support of family caregivers of older relatives.

The outcome we predict is the score of the Barthel-Index, barthtot, which is a measure of the ability to perform activities of daily living. The Barthel-Index ranges from 0 to 100, with higher values indicating better functioning.

data(efc, package = "ggeffects")
efc <- datawizard::to_factor(efc, c("c172code", "c161sex", "e42dep"))
fit <- lm(barthtot ~ c161sex + c172code + e42dep + c160age, data = efc)

# predicted values of Barthel-Index by educational level
out <- predict_response(fit, "c172code")
# we don't want to include the information about at which values
# non-focal terms were held constant - so we remove this attribute
attributes(out)$constant.values <- NULL

#> # Predicted values of Total score BARTHEL INDEX
#> c172code                        | Predicted |        95% CI
#> -----------------------------------------------------------
#> low level of education          |     93.21 | 87.72,  98.71
#> intermediate level of education |     94.69 | 89.66,  99.71
#> high level of education         |     94.37 | 88.70, 100.04

We see the focal term in the first column, followed by the column with predicted values, and the confidence intervals for the predictions in the rightmost column.

Note that this is the printed output, not the underlying data frame returned by predict_response(). The data frame returned by predict_response() contains the predicted values and confidence intervals in separate columns, and can be used for further analyses. Use to look at the complete information. This data frame may also contain further columns if more than one focal term is used., "c172code"))
#>                                 x predicted std.error conf.low conf.high group
#> 1          low level of education  93.21421  2.801569 87.71505  98.71337     1
#> 2 intermediate level of education  94.68719  2.561423 89.65941  99.71497     1
#> 3         high level of education  94.37114  2.886906 88.70447 100.03781     1

Note that the columns have standardized name, for example the column name of the (main) focal term is always x. You can use the names of the focal terms as column names with terms_to_colnames = TRUE.
  predict_response(fit, "c172code"),
  terms_to_colnames = TRUE
#>                          c172code predicted std.error conf.low conf.high group
#> 1          low level of education  93.21421  2.801569 87.71505  98.71337     1
#> 2 intermediate level of education  94.68719  2.561423 89.65941  99.71497     1
#> 3         high level of education  94.37114  2.886906 88.70447 100.03781     1

Customizing the Confidence Intervals Column

print() internally calls insight::format_table() and insight::export_table(), so it is possible to pass some arguments to those functions via the print() method. For example, we can control whether confidence intervals should be enclosed by parentheses or brackets using the ci_brackets argument.

# using brackets around confidence intervals
print(out, ci_brackets = c("[", "]"))
#> # Predicted values of Total score BARTHEL INDEX
#> c172code                        | Predicted |          95% CI
#> -------------------------------------------------------------
#> low level of education          |     93.21 | [87.72,  98.71]
#> intermediate level of education |     94.69 | [89.66,  99.71]
#> high level of education         |     94.37 | [88.70, 100.04]

Putting Confidence Intervals next to the Predicted Values

If you prefer to have the confidence intervals next to the predicted values, use collapse_ci = TRUE. By default, confidence intervals are enclosed into parentheses, for better readability. This can be changed with ci_brackets. The column name (in the output) is adjusted accordingly.

# confidence intervals next to predicted values
print(out, collapse_ci = TRUE)
#> # Predicted values of Total score BARTHEL INDEX
#> c172code                        |    Predicted (95% CI)
#> -------------------------------------------------------
#> low level of education          | 93.21 (87.72,  98.71)
#> intermediate level of education | 94.69 (89.66,  99.71)
#> high level of education         | 94.37 (88.70, 100.04)

# using brackets around confidence intervals
print(out, collapse_ci = TRUE, ci_brackets = c("[", "]"))
#> # Predicted values of Total score BARTHEL INDEX
#> c172code                        |    Predicted (95% CI)
#> -------------------------------------------------------
#> low level of education          | 93.21 [87.72,  98.71]
#> intermediate level of education | 94.69 [89.66,  99.71]
#> high level of education         | 94.37 [88.70, 100.04]

Make use of Labelled Data

If you have labelled data, you can include value and variable labels in the output. For example, using variable_labels = TRUE will include the variable labels as column headers. However, this can result in quite long column headers.

# include variable labels
print(out, variable_labels = TRUE)
#> # Predicted values of Total score BARTHEL INDEX
#> carer's level of education      | Predicted values of Total score BARTHEL INDEX |        95% CI
#> -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#> low level of education          |                                         93.21 | 87.72,  98.71
#> intermediate level of education |                                         94.69 | 89.66,  99.71
#> high level of education         |                                         94.37 | 88.70, 100.04

Value labels can be included using value_labels = TRUE. In the first example, we used datawizard::to_factor() to convert some variables to factors. This function also uses value labels as factor levels, that’s why we see the value labels in the output, see the difference here:

data(efc, package = "ggeffects")

#>   1   2   3 
#> 180 506 156

#>          low level of education intermediate level of education         high level of education 
#>                             180                             506                             156

By default, the actual values are shown in the output, not their value labels (unless, as shown above, you convert to factor and assign value labels as factor levels).

data(efc, package = "ggeffects")
fit <- lm(barthtot ~ c161sex + c172code + e42dep + c160age, data = efc)

# predicted values of Barthel-Index by educational level
out <- predict_response(fit, "c172code")
attributes(out)$constant.values <- NULL

#> # Predicted values of Total score BARTHEL INDEX
#> c172code | Predicted |       95% CI
#> -----------------------------------
#>        1 |     63.53 | 61.05, 66.01
#>        2 |     64.60 | 63.26, 65.94
#>        3 |     65.66 | 63.08, 68.24

However, if you want to include value labels in the output, use value_labels = TRUE. This will replace the actual values with their value labels. Note that this only works if the values are labelled, otherwise the actual values are shown. Beside the value labels, the related value is prefixed in brackets.

print(out, value_labels = TRUE)
#> # Predicted values of Total score BARTHEL INDEX
#>                            c172code | Predicted |       95% CI
#> --------------------------------------------------------------
#>          [1] low level of education |     63.53 | 61.05, 66.01
#> [2] intermediate level of education |     64.60 | 63.26, 65.94
#>         [3] high level of education |     65.66 | 63.08, 68.24

More than one Focal Term - Multiple Tables

Next, we use a model with a two-way interaction. That means that the predicted values for our (main) focal term educational level (c172code) differ, depending on the values of our second focal term, in our example hours_per_week (the hours of care provided per week, either "low" or "high").

Whenever you have more than one focal term, the output is split into multiple tables. The first table shows the predicted values for the first focal term, while the second table shows the predicted values for the second focal term and so on. The values of the second focal term are used as headings for the tables.

data(efc, package = "ggeffects")
efc <- datawizard::to_factor(efc, c("c172code", "c161sex", "e42dep"))
# for sake of demonstration, we create a new variable, dichotomized
efc$hours_per_week <- factor(datawizard::categorize(efc$c12hour), labels = c("low", "high"))
fit <- lm(barthtot ~ hours_per_week * c172code + c161sex + e42dep, data = efc)

# predicted values of Barthel-Index by educational level and hours per week
out <- predict_response(fit, c("c172code", "hours_per_week"))
# we don't want to include the information about at which values
# non-focal terms were held constant - so we remove this attribute
attributes(out)$constant.values <- NULL

#> # Predicted values of Total score BARTHEL INDEX
#> hours_per_week: low
#> c172code                        | Predicted |        95% CI
#> -----------------------------------------------------------
#> low level of education          |     93.22 | 86.89,  99.55
#> intermediate level of education |     96.07 | 91.15, 101.00
#> high level of education         |     97.11 | 90.86, 103.36
#> hours_per_week: high
#> c172code                        | Predicted |        95% CI
#> -----------------------------------------------------------
#> low level of education          |     85.73 | 79.67,  91.79
#> intermediate level of education |     86.85 | 81.16,  92.53
#> high level of education         |     84.50 | 78.07,  90.93

If you prefer to have one table only, use collapse_tables = TRUE. This will merge the tables into one, and the values of the second focal term are included as additional column.

print(out, collapse_tables = TRUE)
#> # Predicted values of Total score BARTHEL INDEX
#> c172code                        | hours_per_week | Predicted |        95% CI
#> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
#> low level of education          |            low |     93.22 | 86.89,  99.55
#> intermediate level of education |                |     96.07 | 91.15, 101.00
#> high level of education         |                |     97.11 | 90.86, 103.36
#> low level of education          |           high |     85.73 | 79.67,  91.79
#> intermediate level of education |                |     86.85 | 81.16,  92.53
#> high level of education         |                |     84.50 | 78.07,  90.93

If you have three focal terms, e.g. because you have a three-way-interaction, the tables are split at each combination of the values or levels of the second and third focal terms. You now get a heading with two rows, the first row shows the values of the second focal term, the second row shows the values of the third focal term.

fit <- lm(barthtot ~ hours_per_week * c172code * c161sex + e42dep, data = efc)
out <- predict_response(fit, c("c172code", "hours_per_week", "c161sex"))
attributes(out)$constant.values <- NULL
#> # Predicted values of Total score BARTHEL INDEX
#> hours_per_week: low
#> c161sex: Male
#> c172code                        | Predicted |        95% CI
#> -----------------------------------------------------------
#> low level of education          |     91.34 | 81.71, 100.97
#> intermediate level of education |     97.34 | 91.56, 103.13
#> high level of education         |     97.91 | 89.59, 106.24
#> hours_per_week: low
#> c161sex: Female
#> c172code                        | Predicted |        95% CI
#> -----------------------------------------------------------
#> low level of education          |     93.71 | 87.29, 100.12
#> intermediate level of education |     95.52 | 90.80, 100.25
#> high level of education         |     96.54 | 90.00, 103.08
#> hours_per_week: high
#> c161sex: Male
#> c172code                        | Predicted |        95% CI
#> -----------------------------------------------------------
#> low level of education          |     87.36 | 79.19,  95.52
#> intermediate level of education |     85.42 | 78.59,  92.25
#> high level of education         |     81.65 | 72.77,  90.54
#> hours_per_week: high
#> c161sex: Female
#> c172code                        | Predicted |        95% CI
#> -----------------------------------------------------------
#> low level of education          |     85.13 | 79.12,  91.14
#> intermediate level of education |     87.05 | 81.70,  92.40
#> high level of education         |     85.39 | 78.86,  91.92

Again, you can collapse all tables into one table.

print(out, collapse_tables = TRUE, collapse_ci = TRUE)
#> # Predicted values of Total score BARTHEL INDEX
#> c172code                        | hours_per_week | c161sex |    Predicted (95% CI)
#> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#> low level of education          |            low |    Male | 91.34 (81.71, 100.97)
#> intermediate level of education |                |         | 97.34 (91.56, 103.13)
#> high level of education         |                |         | 97.91 (89.59, 106.24)
#> low level of education          |                |  Female | 93.71 (87.29, 100.12)
#> intermediate level of education |                |         | 95.52 (90.80, 100.25)
#> high level of education         |                |         | 96.54 (90.00, 103.08)
#> low level of education          |           high |    Male | 87.36 (79.19,  95.52)
#> intermediate level of education |                |         | 85.42 (78.59,  92.25)
#> high level of education         |                |         | 81.65 (72.77,  90.54)
#> low level of education          |                |  Female | 85.13 (79.12,  91.14)
#> intermediate level of education |                |         | 87.05 (81.70,  92.40)
#> high level of education         |                |         | 85.39 (78.86,  91.92)

You can also shorten the subheadings of tables with group_name = FALSE. This will remove the name of the second and third focal term from the subheading, and only the values of the focal terms are shown. Then, the subheadings are shorter and thus automatically displayed in one row.

print(out, group_name = FALSE)
#> # Predicted values of Total score BARTHEL INDEX
#> low, Male
#> c172code                        | Predicted |        95% CI
#> -----------------------------------------------------------
#> low level of education          |     91.34 | 81.71, 100.97
#> intermediate level of education |     97.34 | 91.56, 103.13
#> high level of education         |     97.91 | 89.59, 106.24
#> low, Female
#> c172code                        | Predicted |        95% CI
#> -----------------------------------------------------------
#> low level of education          |     93.71 | 87.29, 100.12
#> intermediate level of education |     95.52 | 90.80, 100.25
#> high level of education         |     96.54 | 90.00, 103.08
#> high, Male
#> c172code                        | Predicted |        95% CI
#> -----------------------------------------------------------
#> low level of education          |     87.36 | 79.19,  95.52
#> intermediate level of education |     85.42 | 78.59,  92.25
#> high level of education         |     81.65 | 72.77,  90.54
#> high, Female
#> c172code                        | Predicted |        95% CI
#> -----------------------------------------------------------
#> low level of education          |     85.13 | 79.12,  91.14
#> intermediate level of education |     87.05 | 81.70,  92.40
#> high level of education         |     85.39 | 78.86,  91.92

Printing HTML Tables

For all the above examples, tables in HTML format can be created, simply by calling print_html(). This will create a HTML table, which can be used in R Markdown documents, for example, or in Shiny apps, or can be displayed in the viewer pane of your IDE. You can then simply copy and paste that table into a word processor.

Using the {tinytable} Package

To produce HTML tables, you need to install the {tinytable} or {gt} package first. By default, {tinytable} is used, but you can switch to {gt} by setting options(ggeffects_html_engine = "gt"), or by using the engine argument.

# for example:
Predicted values of Total score BARTHEL INDEX
c172code Predicted 95% CI
low level of education 91.34 81.71, 100.97
intermediate level of education 97.34 91.56, 103.13
high level of education 97.91 89.59, 106.24
low level of education 93.71 87.29, 100.12
intermediate level of education 95.52 90.80, 100.25
high level of education 96.54 90.00, 103.08
low level of education 87.36 79.19, 95.52
intermediate level of education 85.42 78.59, 92.25
high level of education 81.65 72.77, 90.54
low level of education 85.13 79.12, 91.14
intermediate level of education 87.05 81.70, 92.40
high level of education 85.39 78.86, 91.92

# or:
print_html(out, collapse_tables = TRUE, collapse_ci = TRUE)
Predicted values of Total score BARTHEL INDEX
c172code hours_per_week c161sex Predicted (95% CI)
low level of education low Male 91.34 (81.71, 100.97)
intermediate level of education 97.34 (91.56, 103.13)
high level of education 97.91 (89.59, 106.24)
low level of education Female 93.71 (87.29, 100.12)
intermediate level of education 95.52 (90.80, 100.25)
high level of education 96.54 (90.00, 103.08)
low level of education high Male 87.36 (79.19, 95.52)
intermediate level of education 85.42 (78.59, 92.25)
high level of education 81.65 (72.77, 90.54)
low level of education Female 85.13 (79.12, 91.14)
intermediate level of education 87.05 (81.70, 92.40)
high level of education 85.39 (78.86, 91.92)

The above shown tables have no theme applied (i.e. theme = NULL), however, there are some pre-defined table themes (only when using {tinytable}) to change the table appearance, too. These can be applied using the theme argument, which must be one of "default", "grid","striped", "bootstrap", or "darklines".

# for the sake of demonstratiion, we want fewer focal terms
fit <- lm(barthtot ~ hours_per_week * c161sex + e42dep, data = efc)
out <- predict_response(fit, c("hours_per_week", "c161sex"))

# "bootstrap" theme
print_html(out, theme = "bootstrap")
Predicted values of Total score BARTHEL INDEX
hours_per_week Predicted 95% CI
Adjusted for: e42dep = independent
low 97.06 91.93, 102.19
high 85.04 79.39, 90.68
low 95.59 91.21, 99.97
high 86.55 81.65, 91.46

# "striped" theme, from tinytables
print_html(out, theme = "striped")
Predicted values of Total score BARTHEL INDEX
hours_per_week Predicted 95% CI
Adjusted for: e42dep = independent
low 97.06 91.93, 102.19
high 85.04 79.39, 90.68
low 95.59 91.21, 99.97
high 86.55 81.65, 91.46

Since print_html() returns a tinytable object, you can pass the returned object into the functions of the {tinytable} package, to further customize the table. For example, you can adjust the table width, or use custom border colors etc.

tt_out <- print_html(out, collapse_tables = TRUE, collapse_ci = TRUE)
tinytable::style_tt(tt_out, i = 0, line = "t", line_color = "red")
Predicted values of Total score BARTHEL INDEX
hours_per_week c161sex Predicted (95% CI)
Adjusted for: e42dep = independent
low Male 97.06 (91.93, 102.19)
high 85.04 (79.39, 90.68)
low Female 95.59 (91.21, 99.97)
high 86.55 (81.65, 91.46)

Using the {gt} Package

If you prefer to use the {gt} package, you can switch to this package by setting options(ggeffects_html_engine = "gt"), or by using the engine argument.

fit <- lm(barthtot ~ hours_per_week * c161sex + e42dep, data = efc)
out <- predict_response(fit, c("hours_per_week", "c161sex"))
print_html(out, engine = "gt")
Predicted values of Total score BARTHEL INDEX
hours_per_week Predicted 95% CI groups
low 97.06 91.93, 102.19 c161sex: Male
high 85.04 79.39, 90.68 c161sex: Male
low 95.59 91.21, 99.97 c161sex: Female
high 86.55 81.65, 91.46 c161sex: Female
Adjusted for: e42dep = independent

In the above example, print_html() returns a gt object, which can be further customized as well.

Customizing Output of test_predictions()

The tables from test_predictions() (or its alias hypothesis_test()) can be customized in a similar fashion. Major difference is that this function usually includes p-values, and there is an additional argument collapse_p to collapse the columns with contrasts and p-values into one column.

Let’s simulate some data and fit a model with an interaction term.

n <- 200
d <- data.frame(
  outcome = rnorm(n),
  grp = as.factor(sample(c("treatment", "control"), n, TRUE)),
  episode = as.factor(, n, TRUE)),
  sex = as.factor(sample(c("female", "male"), n, TRUE, prob = c(0.4, 0.6)))
model <- lm(outcome ~ grp * episode, data = d)
out <- test_predictions(model, c("episode [1,2]", "grp"))

The default output shows the contrasts (or estimates of pairwise comparisons), confidence intervals and p-values in separate columns.

#> # Pairwise comparisons
#> episode |                 grp | Contrast |       95% CI |     p
#> ---------------------------------------------------------------
#> 1-2     |     control-control |    -0.20 | -0.63,  0.23 | 0.350
#> 1-1     |   control-treatment |     0.42 | -0.04,  0.88 | 0.074
#> 1-2     |   control-treatment |    -0.15 | -0.61,  0.32 | 0.529
#> 2-1     |   control-treatment |     0.62 |  0.16,  1.09 | 0.009
#> 2-2     |   control-treatment |     0.06 | -0.41,  0.52 | 0.816
#> 1-2     | treatment-treatment |    -0.57 | -1.06, -0.07 | 0.026

Here are the different combinations to collapse multiple columns into one. The p-values and/or confidence intervals are then combined with the contrasts.

# collapse confidence intervals
print(out, collapse_ci = TRUE)
#> # Pairwise comparisons
#> episode |                 grp |    Contrast (95% CI) |     p
#> ------------------------------------------------------------
#> 1-2     |     control-control | -0.20 (-0.63,  0.23) | 0.350
#> 1-1     |   control-treatment |  0.42 (-0.04,  0.88) | 0.074
#> 1-2     |   control-treatment | -0.15 (-0.61,  0.32) | 0.529
#> 2-1     |   control-treatment |  0.62  (0.16,  1.09) | 0.009
#> 2-2     |   control-treatment |  0.06 (-0.41,  0.52) | 0.816
#> 1-2     | treatment-treatment | -0.57 (-1.06, -0.07) | 0.026

# collapse p-values
print(out, collapse_p = TRUE)
#> # Pairwise comparisons
#> episode |                 grp | Contrast |       95% CI
#> -------------------------------------------------------
#> 1-2     |     control-control |  -0.20   | -0.63,  0.23
#> 1-1     |   control-treatment |   0.42   | -0.04,  0.88
#> 1-2     |   control-treatment |  -0.15   | -0.61,  0.32
#> 2-1     |   control-treatment |   0.62** |  0.16,  1.09
#> 2-2     |   control-treatment |   0.06   | -0.41,  0.52
#> 1-2     | treatment-treatment |  -0.57*  | -1.06, -0.07

# collapse both, confidence intervals and p-values
print(out, collapse_ci = TRUE, collapse_p = TRUE)
#> # Pairwise comparisons
#> episode |                 grp |      Contrast (95% CI)
#> ------------------------------------------------------
#> 1-2     |     control-control | -0.20   (-0.63,  0.23)
#> 1-1     |   control-treatment |  0.42   (-0.04,  0.88)
#> 1-2     |   control-treatment | -0.15   (-0.61,  0.32)
#> 2-1     |   control-treatment |  0.62**  (0.16,  1.09)
#> 2-2     |   control-treatment |  0.06   (-0.41,  0.52)
#> 1-2     | treatment-treatment | -0.57*  (-1.06, -0.07)

Defining a Default Style

Once you have found your preferred setting, you can define a default style for all tables by defining global options, i.e. use options(<option_name>, <value>). The following options are available:

  • ggeffects_ci_brackets: Define a character vector of length two, indicating the opening and closing parentheses that encompass the confidence intervals values, e.g. options(ggeffects_ci_brackets = c("[", "]")).

  • ggeffects_collapse_ci: Logical, if TRUE, the columns with predicted values and confidence intervals are collapsed into one column, e.g. options(ggeffects_collapse_ci = TRUE).

  • ggeffects_collapse_p: Logical, if TRUE, the columns with predicted values (or contrasts) and p-values are collapsed into one column, e.g. options(ggeffects_collapse_p = TRUE). Note that p-values are replaced by asterisk-symbols (stars) or empty strings when ggeffects_collapse_p = TRUE, depending on the significance level.

  • ggeffects_collapse_tables: Logical, if TRUE, multiple tables for subgroups are combined into one table. Only works when there is more than one focal term, e.g. options(ggeffects_collapse_tables = TRUE).

  • ggeffects_html_engine: String, either "gt" or "tt". Defines the default engine to use for printing HTML tables. If "tt", the tinytable package is used, if "gt", the gt package is used, e.g. options(ggeffects_html_engine = "gt").